TM-V71A / TM-V71E
TM-D710A / TM-D710E
Memory Control Program
MCP-2A Version 3.22
Last updated : August 9, 2018 |
Welcome |
Thank you for choosing the KENWOOD products. By utilizing this software, you can enjoy the versatility of the TM-V71A/E, TM-D710A/E transceivers, and the RC-D710 control panel through the memory channel management or edit functions. |
About this software |
You can use the MCP-2A to create data such as memory channels and menus on a PC by connecting the TM-V71A/E, TM-D710A/E, and the RC-D710 to the PC. |
An optional Programming Cable (PG-5G, or PG-5H Serial communications cable) is necessary. |
The MCP-2A can retrieve memory channel frequencies by opening ([File] [Open]) data files which are created by the following KENWOOD Memory Control Programs.Click to see the details. |
This software is not compatible with the TM-D710GA/GE.For the TM-D710GA/GE, please use the MCP-6A. |
Operating Environments |
1. |
Operating System (OS) |
Windows® 7 (SP1 or later) (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows® 8.1 (RTM or later) (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows® 10 (Version 1703 (OS Build 15063.0) or later) (32-bit or 64-bit)
This software is designed to run on the above operating systems. |
This software also runs on Windows® 11. (Noted on June 23, 2022) |
Applicable operating systems are subject to change without notice due to the end of the technical support by Microsoft Corporation or change of the product specifications. |
2. |
Processor |
At least the recommended CPU for each OS is required to run this program. |
3. |
System Memory (RAM) |
At least the recommended system memory for each OS is required to run this program. |
4. |
Hard Disk Free Space |
To install this software, 30 MB or more of hard disk space is required. |
5. |
Runtime |
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0). |
6. |
Peripheral Devices |
A display with at least XGA (1024 x 768), 16-bit color or higher is recommended. |
A keyboard and pointing device (such as a mouse) are required. |
An RS-232C port is required.(The MCP-2A supports from COM1 to COM20) |
Attention |
Before starting to edit the data in the MCP-2A, you must first "Read" data from the transceiver.
(The MCP-2A must recognise the exact model type of the transceiver.) Writing data to the transceiver without reading the transceiver's exact model type, may result an error. |
When you exchange the channel data between different model types such as "TM-V71A and TM-V71E" or "TM-D710A and TM-D710E", please use the MCP-2A's Import / Export function.
(Please refer to the MCP-2A's help file for detail)
Turn the transceiver OFF before connecting it to a PC. |
When the transceiver's EchoLink Sysop mode is ON, it cannot communicate with the MCP-2A. |
Notes on usage |
Users may not assign, rent, lease, redistribute, or resell the software. |
Users may not revise, change, translate, merge, de-compile, or reverse engineer the software. |
The quality and performance of the software is not warranted for the applicability of any users.
JVCKENWOOD Corporation shall not assume liability for any defects, nor warrant anything other than is expressly provided in the agreement.
The selection and introduction of the products as well as the results there from shall be upon the liability of the users.
JVCKENWOOD Corporation shall own all copyrights and other intellectual properties for the software and all manuals and documents attached to the software.
The user shall be allowed to use, not to resell, the software by obtaining a license from JVCKENWOOD Corporation.
While the media in which the software is stored is possessed by the user, the ownership for the software itself shall be reserved for JVCKENWOOD Corporation.
Installing the MCP-2A |
Extract the downloaded file "" into a designated folder.
In the designated folder, a folder labeled "M2A322" will be created.
Execute the "setup.exe" in the folder labeled "M2A322", and follow the instructions that appear on the display to install MCP-2A.
The MCP-2A does not operate properly when selecting other models; you must select the correct model. |
The MCP-2A automatically creates a data folder as ...\Documents\KENWOOD\MCP2A". |
You must be an authorized Administrator to install the MCP-2A. |
To change the help file's language (English / Japanese) you must re-install the MCP-2A. |
Uninstalling the MCP-2A |
Select "MCP-2A" in "Control Panel - Programs and Features" for Windows® 7/8.1, or in "Settings - Apps & features" for Windows® 10, and follow the instructions that appear on the display to uninstall the software.
Or double-click "setup.exe", and follow the instructions that appear on the display to uninstall the software.
Created files using the MCP-2A are not deleted by uninstalling the software; you must manually delete any files that you created. |
You must be an authorized Administration to uninstall the MCP-2A. |
Update History |
Ver.3.22 (August 9, 2018) |
Adds Windows® 10 compatibility. |
Revises the help file. |
Ver.3.21 (July 31, 2012) |
Adds "Auto Message Reply Delay Time" setting parameters :[On (Delay Time10 sec)], [On (Delay Time 30 sec)]
(TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page4 : Auto Message Reply]
Changes the name of the menu "TX Beep (Beacon)" to "TX Beep". (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page5 : TX Beacon]
Ver.3.20 (May 20, 2011) |
The number of icons is increased from 25 to 75.(TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page3 : Station Icon]
Changes the maximum value of the Beacon TX Initial Interval from [30] to [60](min). (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page3 : Beacon TX Algorithm]
Changes the minimum value of the Total Hops from [1] to [0](hop). (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page3 : Packet Path]
Changes the maximum value of the WX information TX Interval from [30] to [60](min). (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page4 : Weather Station]
Adds a setting value of [Entire Always] for the Inturrupt Display Area. (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page5 : Inturrupt Display]
Adds [Time(s)] menu of the Inturrupt Display. : [Infinite],[3],[5],[10](sec). (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page5 : Inturrupt Display]
The maximum value of the [High Speed] from [70] to [90]. (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710).
[Edit] → [Menu] → [APRS / NAVITRA] → [Page7 : SmartBeaconing Parameters]
Ver.3.10 (May 16, 2008) |
Enables "SmartBeaconing" setting function. (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] [Menu] [APRS / NAVITRA] [Page3 : Beacon TX Algorithm]
[Edit] [Menu] [APRS / NAVITRA] [Page7 : Smart Beaconing Parameters]
Enables "TX Beep (Beacon)" setting function. (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Edit] [Menu] [APRS / NAVITRA] [Page5 : TX Beep (Beacon)]
Adds the ability to confirm the built-in TNC's firmware version. (TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
[Model] [Product Information]
* |
These functions are available only for the TM-D710A/E and the RC-D710 having firmware version 2.00 and later. |
* |
To confirm the built-in TNC's firmware version, the TM-D710A/E and the RC-D710 must be in APRS mode. |
Ver.3.02 (February 08, 2008) |
Revises the following symptom. |
* |
The DATA terminal's Input / Output levels may not be set correctly. |
Ver.3.01 (December 28, 2007) |
Revises the following symptom. |
* |
The "Memory Name" cannot be edited in the "Channel Edit" window. |
Ver.3.00 (November 02, 2007) |
Works with the new product RC-D710. |
Revises the following symptom. |
* |
When importing an HMK file, the TX frequency in a split channel may not be set correctly. |
Ver.2.01 (August 22, 2007) |
Revises the following symptom. |
* |
When DTMF Memory or EchoLink Memory is programmed by the MCP-2A Ver.2.00, the TM-D710A/E does not generate "*" and "#" DTMF codes. |
Ver.2.00 (August 14, 2007) |
Works with the new product TM-D710A/E. |
Enables "Data Terminal" level setting function.
[Edit] [Data Terminal] [PR1 Pin Output Level] / [PKD Pin Input Level]
* |
This function enables to set the DATA terminal's PR1 (received audio signal) output level and PKD (external modulation) input sensitivity in 6dB steps.
It can be used complementary in case of level setting range of external device such as external TNC or PC sound function is not sufficient for packet communication or EchoLink Sysop mode operation.
* |
This function can only be set with the MCP-2A. |
Enables "EchoLink RX Monitor" setting function.
[Edit] [Menu] [Transmit / Receive] [EchoLink RX Monitor]
* |
This function enables the speaker output to monitor the operating frequency's condition regardless of CTCSS or DCS mismatch in EchoLink Sysop mode operation. |
* |
To activate this function, set the parameter to "Busy Only".(Default is "CTCSS/DCS") |
* |
This function works on the DATA band used for EchoLink Sysop mode operation. |
* |
The received audio signal is output from the Data terminal's PR1 to a PC only when CTCSS or DCS matches. |
* |
This function can only be set with the MCP-2A. |
* |
This function is available only for the TM-V71A/E, TM-D710A/E transceivers having firmware version 1.10 and later.
To confirm the firmware version of the transceiver, select "Model" and then "Product Information" in the MCP-2A menu after connecting the transceiver with a PC by using the PG-5G or PG-5H PC interface cable.
Ver.1.00 (May 17, 2007) |
First Release |
If you agree with the details listed above, click the following link to download the latest MCP-2A software. |
(The latest version includes all previous updates.) |
Download MCP-2A Version 3.22 (filename:; file size : 4.28MB) |
Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. |
.NET Framework is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. |
EchoLink is a trademark of Synergenics, LLC of the U.S.. |
APRS is a registered trademark of WB4APR (Bob Bruninga). |
SmartBeaconing is a trademark of HamHUD Nichetronix, LLC. |
NAVITRA is a registered trademark of JVCKENWOOD Corporation. |