The "KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM" is a collective name for the system used to control via a network the KENWOOD transceiver control program installed on a remote PC.
The "KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM" can be used for remote control of a transceiver using a network such as the Internet, or a LAN. Additionally, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) with the H.323 protocol can be used for control of transceiver operations, including of voice transmissions.
When using remote operation, or operating using the Internet, ensure you adhere to radio frequency, and other relevant laws of the country or region in the equipment is used.
Using a PC and an Internet connection to enjoy transmitting requires the construction of a very advanced communications system. Construction of a communications system requires not only reading the transmission equipment user manuals, but also a sound knowledge of PCs, the Internet, and peripherals.
In short, ensure you have a sound knowledge of the following before creating your communications system, in order that you can enjoy advanced communications.
Functions and the operation of your PC and its peripherals. |
Functions and the operation of your OS and other necessary equipment. |
Functions and the operation of your transceiver. |
Configuration and settings of TCP/IP networks. |

For remote operation of transmission using ARCP-480
Configure the KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM with host station (host software ARHP-10 and TS-480) and remote station (control software ARCP-480). (Diagram)
When carrying out voice communications using the "KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM", ensure you use Windows(R) 2000 (SP3 or later) or Windows(R) XP (SP1 or later) operating systems on both the host and remote stations. If you will not be using voice communications in operation, Windows(R) 98, or Windows(R) Me may be used. |
If using the "KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM" over the Internet, then both the host and remote stations require a global IP address. Please check with your Internet provider. |
Sound functions, a speaker, and a microphone are required in order to use voice communications with the "KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM". |
Sound Blaster(R) 16 or better is recommended for PC sound functionality. |

Please be aware of the following issues, in order to correctly operate the equipment.

When using remote operation, or operating using the Internet, ensure you adhere to radio frequency, and other relevant laws of the country or region in the equipment is used. |
Depending on the network environment (including the Internet provider) and/or PC security software configuration, KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM may not work. It may work after changing the configuration network communications equipment or PCs.
If security software and network routers are used on the network, then it is necessary for both host and remote stations to open the TCP ports that will be used for transceiverŐs PC control command. Additionally, voice transmission using the H.323 protocol can be used by opening all control ports and ports required for dynamic streaming. Please refer to the network communications equipment and PC user manuals for details on how to change their configuration, and take responsibility for configuring the network.
If the network communications equipment and PC are not correctly configured, the existing network may cease to operate, or it may be subject to intrusion from outside.
Please refer to the network communications equipment and PC user manuals for details on how to change their configuration, and take responsibility for configuring the network. |
The "KENWOOD NETWORK COMMAND SYSTEM" can be operated over the Internet. Packets traveling over the Internet may be monitored by third parties. Please ensure you specify a password that does not contain identifying personal information. |
Transmitted/received voice may break up as a result of the network configuration and environment. Additionally, voice transfer over the Internet may be unclear when compared with that received directly by the transceiver. This is because of the analog-digital conversion required to transfer voice with VoIP, therefore weak signals that have a lot of noise also have that noise converted to digital data. This is a performance of using VoIP with the H.323 protocol, and is not a defect. |
When using the network for operation of the transceiver and for transmission of sound, certain items differ from when using the transceiver normally. These are as a result of issues such as network delay and analog-digital conversion. , which may also depend on the network connectivity, or the network status at that time. |
There may be a slight delay in switching between transmitting and receiving. |
Even on high speed network, traffic may result in a significant delay in sound or operation. |
There may also be a slight delay in dial operation. This delay may mean that changing of configuration is not possible. |
Transmitted sound passes through the network, therefore final sound quality will differ from that originating from the transceiver. |
Digital transmission that uses audio signals, SSTV, and PSK31 can not be used. |
In CW operation, a text document is typed and then sent, instead of direct keying. Additionally, because there may be a delay on the network, full break-in can not be used. Please lengthen the break-in delay time. |
We do not recommend use where quick responses are required, such as in for contests or where there are pileups. |
A high speed connection such as ADSL is recommended when connecting to the Internet. Speeds that can be obtained using a PSTN modem may mean inadequate performance. |
KENWOOD Corporation will accept no responsibility for incidental damages, such as those that that occur through lost transmission or call opportunities that may be as a result of defects in, or erroneous operation of this software. |


Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. |
Sound Blaster and Creative are registered trademarks or trademarks of Creative Technologies Ltd. |